Saturday, December 27, 2008
Points To Consider When Purchasing Spa Products
Essence of the products
You will find spa skin care products inside or outside the spa grounds and has turned out to be an essential element in the entire spa experience. Actually, there are more alternatives accessible now than ever. Spa products allow your visit to a spa more enjoyable.
But you ought to be reminded that before you employ any of these spa products, it has been advised that you first consult your physician so as to avoid any complications in the future.
Innovations and treatments
Spa skin care product expansion made the most out of the recent innovations in dealing with the aesthetic dilemmas such as aging, acne and wrinkles. More often than not, these spa products give emphasis to the clinical study findings together with the research and technology that made the product possible.
The demand for spa products that manages or averts the damaging of our skin due to the harmful UV rays is increasing. In the event that you are one of those few people who need these certain products, then it is best that you first conduct some preliminary research regarding the clinical findings of the recommended solution for this particular incident before you shop for a spa product.
Where to find the spa products
You might be thinking where are these products available, well of course the name itself states where it can be found. However, there are some products that can be purchased on the net and sometimes in some of the spa product's retail outlets. If you are purchasing from the spa center itself then you can probably get a discount from the management. This is one of the promotional strategies of spa centers so that they attract more clients to buy directly from their spa centers.
In reality, purchasing spa products is rewarding provided that you conduct it accordingly. By asking some questions of the people who are familiar with the products and by conducting some research yourself you can be assured of getting the best results.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Taking diet pills
Have you ever thought to take diet pills when you are trying to lose weight?
If I have to take diet pill, I’d choose the one that is as natural as possible. Synthetic made diet pills are prone to have side-effects and health-related complications when a person's body has an allergic reaction to its ingredients. Herbal diet pills, more or less, get rid of this problem during use. I personally prefer to lose weight in natural way, e.g. doing proper exercise and having proper diet. But, sometimes diet pills help to boost the process of losing weight.
Several diet pill reviews will provide you information on many kinds of diet pills in the market.
Before taking any diet pills, you may consult with your physician about your goal in weight reduction, your program, your health condition, etc so that you can choose best diet pills. Of course, there are chances that you will need to change the pills to get diet pills that work. Follow their instructions and dosage to reduce possible complications from ever cropping up during its use. Most people regain weight as soon as they stop taking diet pills, since appetite suppression is not self-willed, but is controlled by a pill.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Antiaging Exercise
As we are getting older, our body metabolism is getting slower. I found many people after their 30s become lazier, or don’t have time to do routine exercise due to their office work. Actually, during that period of age, we should have done more exercise. Lots of people in their young age gets degenerative diseases.
Before you exercise, you must understand your needs. What your health condition right now, what area of focus you want to improve, what your limitations, etc. Antiaging exercise leads to a longer life. Different group of age may need different exercises.
Entering your 40s, you must be more conscious about your health. There is antiaging exercise you can do to make your back and abdomen strong.
Some of the antiaging exercise are light exercises, so if you do this kind of exercise, you don’t need to worry of the side effects. You will still get the result you need. The key is to do it regularly with combination of good diet and healthy lifestyle.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Manfaat Madu
Orang yang mengalami kerontokan rambut atau kebotakan dapat memakai campuran minyak zaitun panas, 1 sendok makan madu dan 1 sendok teh bubuk kayu manis sebelum mandi. Oleskan di kepala dan diamkan selama kira-kira 15 menit setelah itu baru dibasuh. Penelitian itu juga membuktikan ramuan yang didiamkan dikepala selama 5 menit pun tetap efektif.
2. Infeksi kandung kemih
Campurkan 2 sendok makan bubuk kayumanis dan 1 sendok teh madu ke dalam segelas air suam-suam kuku. Setelah itu diminum. Ramuan ini membunuh kuman-kuman dalam kandung kemih.
3. Sakit gigi
Buat campuran 1 sendok teh bubuk kayu manis dan 5 sendok teh madu.
4. Kolesterol
Kadar kolesterol darah dapat diturunkan dengan 2 sendok makan madu dan 3 sendok teh bubuk kayu manis yang dicampur dalam 16 ounce (16 kali 28 gram kira kira 1 pon = 454 gram) air teh. Ramuan ini dapat mengurangi kadar kolesterol dalam darah sampai 10 persen dalam 2 jam. Madu murni yang diminum sehari-hari meringankan gangguan kolesterol.
5. Pilek
Pilek ringan dan berat dapat disembuhkan dengan 1 sendok makan madu suam-suam kuku dan ¼ sendok teh bubuk kayu manis setiap hari selama 3 hari. Ramuan ini dapat menyembuhkan hampir semua batuk dan pilek kronis serta membersihkan sinus.
6. Mandul
Pengobatan Yunani dan Ayurveda telah menggunakan madu selama bertahun-tahun untuk memperkuat semen (air mani = sperma) para pria. Dua sendok makan madu yang diminum secara teratur sebelum tidur akan berefek menyuburkan. Wanita Jepang, C ina dan Asia Timur yang sulit hamil dan ingin memperkuat rahim, lazim mengkonsumsi bubuk kayu manis sejak berabad-abad lalu.
Wanita yang sulit hamil sebaiknya sesering mungkin mengoleskan madu dan sesendok teh bubuk kayu manis pada gusinya. Kayu manis akan bercampur dengan air ludah dan memasuki tubuh. Ada pasangan suami istri dari Maryland tidak memiliki keturunan selama 14 tahun dan nyaris putus asa. Ketika mengetahui khasiat kayu manis dan madu, mereka mengkonsumsi ramuan tersebut. Sang istri mulai mengandung dan melahirkan bayi kembar.
7. Sakit perut
Madu yang dicampur bubuk kayu manis dapat mengobati sakit perut. Juga dapat membersihkan perut, serta menyembuhkan bisul sampai ke akar-akarnya.
8. Kembung
Penelitian yang dilakukan di India dan Jepang menyatakan bahwa madu yang diminum bersama kayu manis dapat mengurangi gas dalam perut.
9. Bau napas
Satu sendok teh madu dan bubuk kayu manis yang dicampur dalam air panas dapat membuat nafas tetap segar sehari penuh. Orang Amerika Selatan biasa meminum ramuan tersebut di pagi hari.
10. Sakit kepala sinus
Minum campuran madu dan juice jeruk dapat menyembuhkan sakit kepala karena sinus.
11. Kelelahan
Studi terakhir menunjukkan bahwa kandungan gula dalam madu lebih bermanfaat daripada merugi-kan bagi tubuh. Warga usia lanjut yang mengkonsumsi madu dan bubuk kayu manis dengan ukur-an sama, terbukti lebih bugar dan fleksibel. Penelitian Dr. Milton membuktikan ½ sendok makan madu yang diminum bersama segelas air dan ditaburi bubuk kayu manis dapat meningkatkan vitali-tas tubuh dalam seminggu. Ramuan tersebut diminum setiap hari setelah menggosok gigi dan jam 3 sore pada saat vitalitas tubuh menurun.
12. Kanker
Riset terakhir di Jepang dan Australia menunjukan bahwa kanker perut dan tulang stadium lanjut dapat disembuhkan dengan madu dan kayu manis. Pasien cukup minum 1 sendok makan madu dengan 1 sendok teh bubuk kayu manis selama sebulan 3 kali sehari.
13. Kelebihan berat badan
Minum segelas air yang direbus bersama madu dan bubuk kayu manis setiap pagi ½ jam sebelum sarapan atau saat perut masih kosong. Bila dilakukan secara teratur dapat mengurangi berat badan, bahkan bagi orang yang sangat gemuk, minum ramuan ini secara teratur akan mencegah lemak terakumulasi dalam tubuh, meski tetap makan makanan kalori tinggi.
14. Influenza
Ilmuwan Spanyol telah membuktikan bahwa madu berisi kandungan alami yang membunuh kuman influenza dan menyembuhkan pasien dari flu. Maka minumlah madu ketika akan flu.
15. Jerawat
Oleskan 3 sendok makan madu dan 1 sendok teh bubuk kayu manis pada wajah sebelum tidur. Basuh keesokan harinya dengan air hangat. Bila dilakukan rutin setiap hari selama 2 minggu, akan menyembuhkan jerawat sampai ke akar-akarnya.
16. Infeksi kulit
Ambil 1 bagian madu dan 1 bagian bubuk kayu manis, oleskan pada bagian kulit yang sakit.
17. Mencegah penuaan
Teh yang dicampur madu dan bubuk kayu manis dan diminum tiap hari dapat mencegah penuaan. Ambil 4 sendok madu, 1 sendok bubuk kayu manis dan 3 cangkir air kemudian rebus seperti mem-buat teh. Minumlah sebanyak 4 kali sehari. Ramuan ini membuat kulit segar dan halus serta men-cegah penuaan. Harapan hidup juga bertambah
18. Arthritis (radang sendi / Encok)
Ambil 1 bagian madu dan 2 bagian air suam-suam kuku. Tambahkan 1 sendok teh kecil bubuk kayu manis. Campur madu, air suam-suam kuku dan bubuk kayu manis. Pijat ke bagian yang sakit secara perlahan. Rasa sakit akan berkurang dalam waktu 1-2 menit. Atau penderita arthritis dapat minum 1 cangkir air panas dengan 2 sendok madu dan 1 sendok teh kecil bubuk kayu manis setiap hari, pagi dan malam.
Bila diminum teratur, ramuan ini dapat mengobati penyakit arthritis kronis. Penelitian terakhir Copenhagen University menggunakan campuran 1 sendok makan madu dan ½ sendok teh bubuk kayu manis yang diberikan kepada pasien sebelum sarapan. Hasilnya dalam seminggu 73 dari 200 pasien yang diobati sembuh total. Kebanyakan pasien yang tidak dapat berjalan atau bergerak karena arthritis dapat berjalan tanpa rasa sakit.
19. Penyakit jantung
Oleskan madu dan bubuk kayu manis pada roti pada waktu sarapan setiap harinya. Madu dan kayu manis mengurangi kolesterol dalam pembuluh arteri, dan mengurangi resiko serangan jantung. Orang yang sudah terkena serangan jantung bila mengkonsumsi madu dan kayu manis setiap hari dapat terhindar dari serangan jantung kedua.
Konsumsi madu dan kayu manis secara teratur dapat memperlancar pernapasan dan memperkuat detak jantung. Panti Wredha (jompo) di Amerika dan Kanada, berhasil mengobati penghuninya yang memiliki gangguan pembuluh darah karena tersumbat, dan berkurang fleksibilitasnya karena usia, dengan ramuan tersebut.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Facts about BANANA
Bananas: Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.
But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.
PMS: the pills -- eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.
Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.
Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect way to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.
Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.
Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritationNerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system
Overweight and at work: Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady
Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.
Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a "cooling" fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand, for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan.
Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.
Strokes: According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine, "eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!
So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrates, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor away!"
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Some Issues To Be Aware Of In A Diabetic Diet
Diabetes can be controlled effectively by taking exercise regularly and eating a healthy diet. The two main issues that need to be considered by anyone on a diabetic diet are sugar and fat intake. Constant weight monitoring is essential to prevent excessive weight gain as this can contribute to a number of problems.
Medication, Exercise and a Diabetic Diet
There is medical evidence that regular exercise can actually help prevent a person contracting diabetes as well as controlling it. The muscles in the body use up glucose during exercise, which leads to a reduction in the overall levels of sugar in the blood. The minimum recommended amount of exercise for it to be effective is 20 minutes taken three times a week. It is important to consult your medical practitioner before you take up a new form of exercise, especially if you have existing health problems apart from diabetes.
Exercise, on its own, is not sufficient to help control diabetes, which means that a diabetic diet should also be followed. Much of the advice that a dietician will give regarding a healthy diet applies to both diabetics and non-diabetics alike. The key is moderation in all things. However, a diabetic diet does have an emphasis on reducing the amount of sugary foods, especially cakes and cookies, and increasing the complex carbohydrate intake by eating more brown rice and whole-grain foods.
Medication is often not necessary to control diabetes as regular exercise and a diabetic diet is sufficiently effective. There are some diabetics for whom this is not enough and medication is needed. The majority of diabetic medications are taken orally. A diabetic may be prescribed one medication or a combination of different medications to properly control their diabetes.
The five main classifications of diabetic medication that may be prescribed are:
* Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors * Biguanides * Meglitinides * Sulfonylureas * Thiazolidinediones
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
This group of diabetic medications slow down the rate at which sugar is absorbed in the digestive tract. However, it is rarely prescribed on its own as it has potentially serious side effects, including stomach and bowel problems.
Overweight diabetics are most likely to be prescribed this form of diabetic medication as it can help with controlling their weight as well as their diabetes. They cause the insulin to be used more effectively by the body than normal. Side effects are normally minor but can include nausea and diarrhoea. Biguanides can be prescribed on its own or combined with other medication.
This types of diabetic medication is particularly effective for maintaining low blood sugar levels after eating, especially if a diabetic diet is being followed. The tablets are taken with food and have few, if any, side effects.
By far the most frequently prescribed type of diabetes medication, this helps with insulin production in the body. Although there are few side effects for most people they cannot be taken by anyone with a sulpha medication allergy.
Perhaps the least used type of diabetic medication, this increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin. There are few or no known side effects with this form of medication.
The majority of diabetes can be controlled by taking one or more of the above oral medications. However, there may be cases where diabetics need to inject insulin. This is especially the case if the pancreas has ceased producing insulin completely as in Type 2 diabetes.
Effective diabetes management can usually be achieved by adhering to a sensible diabetic diet and exercise on a regular basis. In fact, this is often sufficient for most diabetics. It is important to consult with your medical practitioner on a regular basis and monitor your blood sugar levels. He can prescribe some of the many diabetic medications, if necessary. If you are in any doubt whatsoever regarding meal plans for a good diabetic diet or anything else related to your diabetes, you should always seek medical advice. However, the internet has a wealth of articles that you can read to keep yourself well informed about your condition.
Exercise, on its own, is not sufficient to help control diabetes, which means that a diabetic diet should also be followed. Much of the advice that a dietician will give regarding a healthy diet applies to both diabetics and non-diabetics alike. The key is moderation in all things.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Wrinkles On Face - Collagen Can Remove Them In Minutes
Wrinkles- How do they form?
Wrinkles form as we age. Our face begins aging soon after we cross our twenties. It begins with fine lines on the face. As we age, the fine lines become deeper. At the same time our facial expression makes permanent changes in the skin. We develop laugh lines, lines on the forehead, etc. As we age the collagen that is the main constituent of our dermis begins breaking down. Let us see what happens s than and how a collagen injection, which takes minutes, can bring back the youth back.
Collagen- the wonder material
Collagen is a protein. It is mainly found in the dermis, the layer below epidermis (top layer) of the skin. this collagen in the dermis supports the epidermis. without the support of collagen the epidermis would collapse on the muscles and bones. The collagen gives us the plump and young look. Collagen forms the structure on which the epidermis rests. You can think of pillars in a building that support the roof. Collagen does similarly to support the epidermis.
Collagen- why it breaks down?
As we age, the collagen begins breaking don. Sun is the main culprit. As the collagen breaks, the skin develops wrinkles. The skin sags. In the youth collagen is replaced fast. But as we age, this replacement becomes slow. So there is insufficient collagen in the dermis and we begin looking old. What can be done about replacing this collagen? Let us find out.
Collagen Injections- it takes minutes
Doctors inject collagen below the wrinkled skin. The source of collagen is commonly bovine. If your doctor suspects that you may develop allergy to bovine collagen, he/she may use human collagen. As the collagen is injected, it removes the wrinkle in minutes and makes the face as young as it was earlier.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
Richie Mont writes for where you can find out more about wrinkle creams and other topics.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Is It Possible To Outgrow Eczema?
Eczema is a chronic condition characterized by dry, red, swollen and extremely itchy skin. Eczema is not contagious but it is believed to have a hereditary connection. Research has identified the common trait that most of the time atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema, is inherited from one or both of an individual's parents. If a person has one parent who suffers from eczema, they have a one-in-four chance of developing the condition. If both parents have eczema, the likelihood is increased to one-in-two chances. Most individuals who have two parents who suffer from eczema do indeed develop the skin disorder. Additionally, many people who develop eczema also have a genetic tendency to develop other allergy-related health problems such as hay fever and asthma.
Approximately thirty percent of infants will develop eczema. Luckily, many will outgrow it by the time they reach three to five years of age. In babies, it generally first appears between the ages of four to six months and it begins with the appearance of a red rash that might ooze fluid. It then spreads to the cheeks and the forehead and sometimes continues to the baby's arms and legs. In the most severe of cases, a baby's entire body may be covered with the skin disease. When a baby has cradle cap, or infantile seborrhoeic eczema, a great deal of scaling appears on the scalp although it does not itch.
Some infants are not lucky enough to outgrow their eczema; they carry it into their childhood years. For those who are predisposed to develop it for heriditary reasons, but did not do so in their infancy, they have the potential to develop it anytime between the ages of two and four years of age. In typical bouts of childhood eczema, the rash first appears behind the knees, the ankles, in the creases of the elbows and sometimes will even affect the child's face, neck and ears. It is generally very itchy and subsequently requires a topical steroid cream. Childhood eczema normally disappears sometime between the ages of ten and twelve, although some children continue to suffer from it well into their teenage and adulthood years.
Adult atopic eczema often begins during a person's twenties. In this case it often continues throughout the majority of a person's life. It is normally characterized by large spots of itchy, swollen, red, and oozing skin. Adult eczema tends to affect people in the wrists, elbow creases, neck area, behind the knees and the ankles. Sufferers of adult eczema often see an improvement during middle age, particularly in their forties or fifties. Atopic eczema rarely begins in senior citizens. There is another form of eczema that shows itself in older people; it is called varicose eczema. This kind of eczema afflicts the ankles and is, for the most part, a result of poor circulation to the legs.
Despite the fact that many children outgrow their eczema, they commonly have a lifelong tendency to have skin problems. These problems include hand dermatitis; dry skin that chaps and gets easily irritated; skin infections like staph, yeast infections and herpes simplex, like cold sores, and eye problems such as cataracts and eyelid dermatitis.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Downside To Cosmetics - Cosmetic Allergy
The American Academy of Dermatology has revealed that on the average, adult Americans use at least seven various cosmetics or cosmetic products daily.
The thing is that products like shampoos, colognes, deodorants, moisturizers and other cosmetics have become part of people’s daily personal routines and they are considered necessities these days.
Cosmetics are primarily used to enhance beauty and some people have become so dependent on them that they become part of lifestyles.
Without any further explanation, it is apparent and very much understood that there are several specified ingredients in such cosmetics that function like antigens or trigger substances for allergic reactions, like fragrances and preservatives.
Cosmetic allergies are not so common. However, experts and studies found that on the average, about 10% of the country’s population is expected to form or experience a form of cosmetic allergy within their lifetime.
But it would be logical to assert that women are more prone to experience cosmetics allergy than men.
Symptoms of cosmetic allergy
Basically, there are only two major skin reactions that will clearly indicate the onset of cosmetics allergy. These are allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis.
The most common manifestation of allergies from cosmetics is inflammation in the infected skin area. The affected spot would exhibit redness and swelling, and most of the time, those two symptoms are carried out with mild to severe itching.
Basic and primary symptoms for cosmetics dermatitis immediately show up or develop after the skin has taken contact with cosmetic products.
Symptoms for cosmetic allergy occurs when the skin breaks down after contact with identified harsh substances. Upon contact, those substances or allergens immediately and directly affect and injure the skin’s outer layer, thus the onset of symptoms.
Like any other form of allergies, cosmetics allergy should not be considered a disease. Rather it is just a normal reaction as the body’s protective immune system throws out or rejects foreign and harmful substances.
Treatment of cosmetics allergy
Creams and ointments specifically manufactured to treat cosmetics allergy are available without prescriptions through retailers and drug stores.
Most of these medications contain cortisone in the form of hydrocortisone acetate and hydrocortisone. Cortisones help curtail redness, swelling and itching during the onset of cosmetics allergy symptoms.
In severe cases, doctors prescribe extra-strong medications and ointments that can effectively and immediately relieve the allergy. Antibiotics are needed if blisters in the skin, which is caused by cosmetics allergy, cracks and becomes infected.
How to prevent cosmetics allergy
There are some recommended measures that can help you prevent contracting cosmetics allergy. Take note of the following ways.
- Before using any cosmetic products, read its labels. Look out for active ingredients that can obviously trigger an allergic reaction to your skin. Find products or alternatives that do not contain such ingredients.
- Perform mini-patch tests to determine if a new cosmetic product is too strong for your skin. It is done by rubbing your wrist with the products and observing for any redness or recatio within 24 hours.
- When buying cosmetics, pick up those that contain very simple cosmetic formulas.
- When wearing perfume, apply it on your clothes, not in your skin.
It would do you no harm if you take several precautions to avoid getting cosmetics allergy. Prevention is much better that treatments. Remember, cosmetic allergy, just like any other allergies, is only treatable, not curable.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Natural Mineral Cosmetics: Flawless Dusting
The Product
Virtually no allergy risk, natural mineral cosmetics allow skin to breath. Talc free, chemical free, and dye free natural cosmetics recommended by plastic surgeons and dermatologists, are created from powdered minerals. Their consistency and mineral content act together to calm the most sensitive skin.
Over time mineral cosmetics actually improve your skin. Since your skin is allowed to breathe through the mineral foundation, no oily barrier preventing oxygen from reaching your skin, the texture and tone of your skin improve. Microscopic fibers fill up those tiny lines in your skin and give your complexion a natural healthy glow.
The best part of natural cosmetics is their ability to add a youthful glow while protecting your skin from harmful solar rays. Consisting of mica, titanium dioxide, iron oxides, ultramarine, zinc oxide, mineral foundation is particularly well suited to use as a sunscreen. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are both used in high quality sun blocks. These cancer fighting sun-blocking agents are both in most mineral make up products.
Mineral cosmetics are ideal for anyone suffering from acne or post surgical skin procedures. In most instances acne improves after extended periods of using mineral make up because titanium dioxide does not promote the growth of bacteria as some cosmetics may. Due to the dry formula of mineral cosmetics, ingredients such as talc, dye, and perfume are not added. Therefore mineral cosmetics offer a chemical free option to popular cosmetic choices.
100 percent natural cosmetics provide excellent coverage, staying power, and creaseless beauty all day long. Natural anti-drying agents help to seal in moisture and prevent clogged pores. Mineral cosmetics dusted on liberally with special high quality brushes fill tiny lines and hide blemishes, leaving a soft healthy glow and sun protections. Because they don't have to be reapplied during the day, they reduce stress and increase the happy factor in your life.
The Application
Foundation gives your face a flawless silky glow that reflects health with fine texture and uniform color. A little goes a long way. It is always best to start your make up application with clean fresh skin. If you choose to use moisturizer, it must be fully absorbed before applying mineral cosmetics.
To conceal any flaws: Lightly brush mineral foundation over any areas where flaws exist. Light layers cover better than one heavy layer; so go lightly.
Mineral foundation should be applied to dry skin, moisture will make it cake and appear uneven on your skin. Using a brush to apply the foundation in circular motions results in flawless coverage.
Blusher or bronzing powder should be applied as a highlighting accent to your face and completed with a finishing powder to set your make up.
Eye shadow can be applied either wet or dry, using a shadow brush, apply lightly and add more as needed. A bit of bronzer is an excellent eye shadow choice for daytime wear.
Using a light touch and the right brushes will help you achieve that dewy glow of youth and good health. These products are inexpensive and long lasting, making them an excellent choice for everyday cosmetic needs.
Monday, September 15, 2008
My experience with beauty laser
I was a guinea pig to my colleague when she trained a physician using the laser. I have tried three types of laser hair removal machine. All of them were for my legs. All of them were different in technology. I remember, it was the second laser was the most painful of all. I felt like I was electrocuted every time my friend shot the laser.
The advantage was there was no side effect. In order to get smooth skin, we must attend several sessions. I didn't though, but until now my legs has very fewer hair as the effect of that guinea pig treatment.
Another function of getting this beauty laser treatment is having laser tattoo. This of course to remove the unwanted tattoo. Some colors in your tattoo are difficult to remove. That means, you need to go through several sessions. Don't forget the pain! Oh no. I'd suggest, when you are thinking of having tattoo, better think it over, choose the right picture and the right spot to put.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Skin Clinic has medical assistant too
I have been to several big skin centers. They are very professional in terms of service and representation of the clinics to the public. The medical assistants there dress up and are pretty. Such a good strategy since they are promoting a skin center. There are several jobs that medical assistant takes care of: arrange patient appointments, filing patient records, assisting dermatologist during treatment, prepare equipments to be used by dermatologist.
Of course, after they graduate from medical assistant schools, they were trained specifically to handle situation in skin clinic. Every medical discipline has different characteristics. In order to bring high standard service to patients, these clinics invest on staffs trainings.
I always get satisfaction whenever I get the treatment in my favorite skin clinic.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I have been wearing eyeglasses since I was in high school, because I can’t see far objects (myopia). The condition didn’t get better, but so far the diopter size stays the same: -3.25.
I wore contact lens for five years (1995-2000) because I was an athlete and wearing eye glasses was troublesome. But because I have allergy, after sometimes, my body rejected the contact lens. My eyes got redden and itchy. Now I can only wear daily contact lens only for 5 hours maximal in a day.
I was considering getting LASIK treatment, but I heard negative effects of it from some of my friends. I guess the effect isn’t caused by the technology, but because if the level of physician’s skill.Several days ago, I found this product on the internet. It’s called pinhole glasses. Basically, pinhole eyeglasses are based on the principle of natural reflexes as the same effect is achieved when you squint to try and see more clearly. Your eyelids close around the top and bottom of your eyes, filtering out light rays reaching your pupil from these angles. This make sense to me. One of the good things about it that if my diopter size changes, I can still wear the pinhole glasses because it’s designed to suits some refractive condition (myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, astigmatism, computer vision syndrome or cataracts). It is strongly recommended that pinhole glasses are used in good lighting conditions, as the amount of light entering the eye is reduced.
What makes more interesting is that the technology has been there for thousands years ago. Wow……In the 5th Century BC, the ancient Chinese people discovered that light passing through a tiny pinhole makes an image on the background it falls upon. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, had study on pinhole imagery.
This unique eye glasses may be the answer to my pray, yippie…!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Care for your feet
You must allocate your time even 5 minutes to take care of your feet and toes.
This part supports your body the whole day, in the shoes - cramping, even we walk around the house in bare feet.
There are options for you to care for your feet, you can do it by yourself or just go to your favorite salon/spa.
I remember one time I got foot spa service when I was in Seoul. Gosh, for 45 minutes service, it cost me USD 35!
While in Bali, it cost around USD 5-10, of course there's some different style in the treatment. In Jakarta, I have my favorite salon. There I get foot reflexology, or just pedicure treatment. It's separate treatments.
Here is a simple foot treatment, where you can do it at home, while watching your favorite TV program:
1. Prepare a bucket of warm water, put 1-2 tablespoon of bath salt, or use 2-3 drops Faithful Feet Aromatic FootSpa Concentrate. Soak in your feet for 15 minutes.
2. After that, brush you feet, this is to clean the skin and nails, and lift up dead cells. Wash up and dry with towel.
3. Give feet a massage, use Faithful Feet Massage Oil Natural massage oil that contains grapefruit and ginger essential oil to soothe your tired feet.
Place the bottle in a receptacle of hot (not boiling) water to warm. Pour approximately 5 ml onto hands and massage slowly and gently onto the feet for 5 - 10 minutes.
Then, you are ready to sleep with a fresh feeling in your feet and legs.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Natural Personal Care Products for Our Body
There are lots of manufacturers offer natural skin care and body care products. Remember, we don't want instant result (as usually the products contain dangerous chemical elements), we want to treat our skin and body for long term of period.
Here are my favorites natural skin care and body care products:
1. Moea, from Tahitian Noni International
This is a spa product line made from noni fruit. It consists of Sugar Scrub, Body Butter, and Body Soufle
2. TePoema, from Tahitian Noni International
Another product line made from noni fruit. It has regime for normal to oily skin and normal to dry skin.
It functions as micro swelling defense. Our skin expose to air, sun, and pollutions, making the skin swells, this process happens everyday, continuously. Our elastic skin becomes loosen.
There are three steps using TePoema:
Step 1 - detox and purify
Step 2 - equalize and prepare
Step 3 - improve and repair
Finish - nourish and protect
3. Sweet Sunnah natural herbal cosmetics
It is made of black seed. The function is not only for skin care but also treat some disorders. Black seed is phytotherapuetic (herbal medicine) and has been known to reduce your risk to illness and disease by strengthening your immune system and protecting your body’s most important organs.
Here are some of the products you can pick:
a. Black Seed Body Care
b. Acne Relief
c. Black Seed Organic Hair Care
d. Organic Soaps
4. Native Remedies
Native Remedies herbal remedies are formulated by experts in the field of natural health and are manufactured in an FDA-registered facility, using cGMP manufacturing practices.
Here are some of recommended beauty and personal care products:
a. ClearSkin regime
b. ReGrow Scalp massage oil
c. Faithful Feet Aromatic FootSpa Concentrate - Relaxing footbath using aromatherapy oils for foot massage
Of course, beside skin care, you can find more remedies in the website.
(They are having "buy 2 get 1 free" program now, hurry up!)
5. Yves Rocher
Yves Rocher is a brand of natural beauty products named after our founder, Mr. Yves Rocher himself. With more than 150 active plant ingredients and botanical complexes, they have harnessed the power of nature to work for your beauty needs.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Indonesian Massage
Reference: Paul Cris
A complete body massage is necessary to improve the blood circulation in the body. By massaging the whole body each nerve, muscle and skin is rejuvenated. Massaging activates the nervous system and a sense of calmness pervades in the mind. Massage therapy is useful for people who have stress.
There are various types of massages and Indonesian massage is very old and is in practice for thousands of years. There are many benefits of this massage. Coconut oil is used for this massage and very little pressure is applied on the body. Even flower oils are used along with coconut oil for massage. Downward strokes are applied on the muscles to remove tension. Then upward strokes are applied towards the heart and circular thumb movements are applied for better blood flow. Pressure points are also pressed to enhance the blood flow.
Indonesian massage is different from other western massages. It helps is stimulating tissues and muscles. It is very effective for people suffering from constipation, heartburn, and stiff muscles. The massage is carried on the floor with mats, wooden bench or a chair. The massage session lasts for an hour at the most and the whole body is rejuvenated and refreshed. Why wait? Have an Indonesian massage NOW!
If you come to Indonesia, Indonesian massage is available at your home (by calling the masseur) or at some spas. Spas that I recommend is Sari Ayu Day Spa or Taman Sari Royal Heritage. I used to go there.
I also have regular masseur, she lives near my house. I usually use baby oil or special massage oil. As I exercise regularly and also spend long hours in front of computer, massage helps me to regain freshness. I sleep so well afterwards.
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Beauty Prescription
The Complete Formula for Feeling and Looking Beautiful By: Debra Luftman, M.D. & Eva Ritvo, M.D.
Want to be more beautiful instantaneously? Look in the mirror, and Just Think: Other people see you as 20 percent better looking than you see yourself. Have you been telling yourself you're less attractive than you actually are? Eva Ritvo, a South Beach psychiatrist, and Debra Luftman, a Beverly Hills dermatologist, reveal in The Beauty Prescription that beauty isn't just skin deep. In their individual practices they found that women who feel good on the inside, mirror that feeling on the outside. A positive self-image and emphasis on individual strengths is as important as a healthy environment, a sensible diet and an effective skin regimen.
Beverly Hills, CA (PRWEB) August 4, 2008 -- It's no secret that humans are obsessed by beauty. After all, research shows that beautiful people earn more money, get further ahead in their careers and are generally happier, but what is the source of lasting beauty? In The Beauty Prescription (McGraw-Hill; August, 2008; Hardcover, $24.95), Beverly Hills dermatologist, Dr. Debra Luftman, and South Beach Psychiatrist, Dr. Eva Ritvo, combine their expertise to take a unique look at the beauty of the body and mind to create an inspirational guide to feeling beautiful, inside and out.
Dr. Debra and Dr. Eva, "The Beauty and Brain Doctors", reveal that beauty isn't just skin deep - how you feel about yourself and act towards the world around you has as much to do with your beauty as your weight or the quality of your skin. They discovered in their individual practices that women who feel good on the inside, mirror that feeling on the outside. A positive self-image and emphasis on individual strengths is as important as a healthy environment, a sensible diet and an effective skin regimen. Inner and outer beauty perfectly complement each other in a "beauty-brain loop."
The Beauty Prescription proposes a new standard for self-worth that goes beyond physical allurement. Dr. Ritvo writes that psychological well-being is a vital part of beauty. Self-confidence is an intention, a state of mind. Want to be beautiful instantaneously? Look in the mirror and just think: Other people see you as 20 percent better looking than you see yourself! Have you been telling yourself that you're less attractive than you actually are? Focusing on your best qualities, allowing your best attributes and uniqueness to shine through, will only further the practical recommendations of Dr. Luftman, who prescribes top medical advice on keeping your skin, hair, and body in the best shape it can be.
When you make the most of what you've been given, you'll feel great -- and exude confidence. This is The Beauty Prescription: A new definition of beauty that transcends the airbrushed supermodels in glossy magazines.
The book includes:
- Beauty Stories: Real life clinical examples, composites of some of the authors' patients whose problems and resolutions offer thoughtful lessons about becoming more beautiful inside and out;
- Beauty Boosters: Practical, low-cost "quick fixes" you can use to make yourself look and feel better fast;
- Beauty Busters: Myths about beauty, mental health and cosmetic medicine. The authors debunk them all in informative sidebars.
- Beauty Pearls: Prominent women -- celebrities, beauty insiders, beauty editors -- share their wisdom on what makes a woman beautiful.
- Beauty R/X: Specific steps you can take for a more beautiful you, inside and out.
The Beauty Prescription strings together the four elements of the Beauty-Brain Loop -- Inner Beauty, Health, Outer Beauty, and Environment -- that will help bring beauty into your environment, from your lifestyle and your skincare to your diet and your self-esteem.
About the Authors:
Eva C. Ritvo, M.D., is the vice chair of and associate professor in the department of psychiatry as well as in the department of dermatology and cutaneous surgery at the Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami and the chairperson of the department of psychiatry and behavioral medicine at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, FL.
Debra B Luftman, M.D., has a busy private cosmetic dermatology practice and teaches general dermatology and skin surgery at UCLA. Luftman lectures on topics including laser surgery, liposuction, skin aging, acne, cosmetic fillers, and sun damage.
Friday, August 1, 2008
A little about Yoga
10 Foods that Improve Your Looks
eDiets Contributor
As the saying goes, "You are what you eat." So, what effect does your diet really have on your appearance? We know that eating sensibly helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it also helps to maintain a healthy appearance. When you feel good about the things you eat, and when the things you eat are good for you, chances are you'll look that way, too. Here are 10 foods that not only help you feel great, but help you look great, too.
Drinking plenty of water every day helps the skin look soft, supple and more youthful. By keeping the body hydrated, your overall appearance will benefit, from improved skin texture, hair and nails. If you're feeling bloated, it may be due to an increase of sodium in the body. Increase your intake of water to help flush it out. Also, water helps in the weight-loss process by reducing water weight and replenishes water loss during workout activity.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps the body fight infection and disease. It pumps up the immune system and also promotes healing. Did you also know that vitamin C is essential to collagen production? Collagen helps the skin remain elastic but firm, which keeps the skin wrinkle and line free. Citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli and cabbage are all vitamin-C-rich foods. Keep in mind that their juices are also packed with this important vitamin.
Green Tea
Also rich in antioxidants, green tea has also been shown to lower cholesterol, improve immune function and reduce the risk of specific types of cancer. If you're a big coffee drinker, try replacing your morning cup of joe with a cup of green tea. Without cream, sugar or other artificial flavorings, you may notice a reduction in weight while satisfying your caffeine fix.
Soy proteins are rich in amino acids, vitamin E and many anti-oxidants. These components help the skin retain moisture, smooths out skin's appearance and improves elasticity.
Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) like omega-3 and omega-6 are known as "good fat," which helps cellular functioning. This helps skin, hair, nails, muscles and practically everything involved in your physical appearance. Like other "good" foods, EFAs help the cells to function properly, which helps to clear up skin and prevent blemishes, reduce wrinkles, improve hair condition and nail growth.
The phrase "milk does a body good" isn't only a catchy marketing phrase, it's also true. Milk is rich in calcium, vitamins B2, B-12 and D. Calcium, paired with the calcium-absorption booster vitamin D, helps to maintain strong bones and healthy teeth. Vitamins B2 and B-12 are essential for red blood cell growth, which helps to carry much needed oxygen to cells. What does this mean to your looks? Hair and skin will look livelier and healthier.
Green vegetables
Vegetables such as spinach, collard greens and kale are rich in Vitamin A, C, E, iron and fiber. We've already discussed the benefits of vitamin C, but equally important to looking great is your intake of vitamin A and E. Vitamin A has antioxidant properties and maintains moisture for eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin E is essential for healthy, smooth and younger looking skin.
Since yogurt is a dairy product, all the benefits of milk also hold true for yogurt. Yogurt also contains friendly bacteria, which aids in digestion, improves the immune system and (when used as a mask) can help hydrate and cleanse the skin.
The effects of garlic have been widely known for centuries, but only recently taken seriously by modern science. In studies, this mysterious and potent food has been shown to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol and even prevent cancer. Although your partner may not want to kiss you after eating it, keep in mind that garlic is also high in antioxidants, which will help you stay looking young. If you can't stand the smell or taste, take it in capsule form.
OK, OK, maybe chocolate isn't the most health-conscious food on the planet. However, chocolate does have positive effects on your mood by pumping up endorphins and serotonin, which help to give you an overall calm and pleasant feeling. And when you feel good, you look good. Who can argue with that?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Yogurt's Top Ten - Wholesome Food for Every Body
What does it do? From AboutYogurt.Com ( here are the Top Ten Benefits:
- May Help Reduce Osteoporosis Risk
As an excellent source of calcium, yogurt, eaten regularly, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis, the thinning and loss of bone mass that affects 25 million Americans as they age. Yogurt is an excellent dairy food choice for women who limit their intake of milk and cheese, and has many advantages over supplements. - Lactose Intolerant? Yogurt May Help
Studies have shown that the live and active cultures present in yogurt permit yogurt to be eaten by many of the more than one quarter of American adults who ordinarily experience lactose intolerance with other dairy products. Some of the symptoms of lactose intolerance include abdominal cramping, bloating and diarrhea. - Immune Boon
Ongoing studies have shown live and active culture yogurt may enhance the immune systems of certain individuals.1 - Versatile and Convenient
Keep yogurt stocked in your refrigerator to use as a substitute for mayonnaise and sour cream in tuna and other salads; top waffles or pancakes with fruit yogurt; make desserts more healthful by choosing frozen yogurt. Perfect for today's busy schedules, nothing is as convenient to carry with you on a hike or put in a lunch bag as yogurt. For the commuter, it's the perfect portable protein boost.2 - Combats Yeast Infections
Vaginal yeast infections affect nearly 12 million women each year. Research suggests that regularly eating yogurt containing L. acidophilus may decrease yeast growth and infection in certain individuals.3 - Colon Protection
Preliminary studies show increasing one's dietary intake of lowfat, calcium-rich dairy products such as yogurt may reduce the risk of colon cancer.4 - Calcium-Rich
It's a fact: calcium is an essential nutrient, and yogurt is an excellent source of calcium. An average eight-ounce serving of live and active culture yogurt contains approximately 30 % of the Daily Recommended Value for calcium.5 - Protein-Dense
An average eight-ounce serving of live and active culture yogurt contains approximately 20 % of the Daily Value for protein. So protein-dense, yogurt is now considered a meat alternate by the United States Department of Agriculture in its school meals programs.6 - Taste Kids & Parents Love
Yogurt is one food that gets the "thumbs up" from both parents and kids. It's a calcium-rich food that will help kids grow and start them on the road to good bone health in later life. - Variety
With nearly 50 different flavors and a wide variety of textures or "styles," there's a yogurt for everyone. Choose from fruit-blended or fruit on the bottom yogurts, yogurts with toppings and add-ins, or light versions of yogurt sweetened with aspartame. Try frozen yogurt or yogurts with cereal and novelty toppings for kids.
1 C.M. Kotz et. al., J. Dairy Sci. 1994 Dec: 77 [12]; 3538-44
2 Simin Nikbin Meydani, Ph.D., Am. Jour. of Nutrition 2000; 71:861-72
3 E. Hilton et. al., Ann. Intern. Med. 1992 March 1: 116 [5] 353-7
4 R.K Peters; Cancer Causes Control 1992 Sept.; 3[5] 457-73
5 Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture
6 Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Monday, July 28, 2008
Hair Care: Eat Fish For Shiny Hair!
Get Enough Protein In Your Diet
Some vegetarians, people who go on crash diets that exclude protein, and those with severely abnormal eating habits, may develop protein malnutrition. When this happens, a person's body will help to save protein by shifting growing hairs into the resting phase. Massive hair shedding can occur two to three months later. Hair can then be pulled out by the roots. This condition can be reversed by eating the proper amount of protein. However, not all protein are made the same, for the best source of protein, do eat more fish!
Monthly Oily-Hair Treatment
Massage ground cucumber or watermelon (use a food processor for best results) into freshly shampooed hair and leave on your scalp for 15 minutes before rinsing. Do rinse with cold water as using hot water will just strip your hair of its moisture!
Home Remedy Hair Treatments
Rosemary Hot Oil Treatment (For Dry Hair)
1/2 cup of dried rosemary leaves
1/2 cup olive oil
Combine ingredients then heat up until warm. Strain. Coat the entire scalp and ends of hair with the oil mixture. Wrap hair in saran wrap and a towel over that, leave on for 15 minutes. Wash hair twice to remove the oil. Use this treament twice a month or when your needs a deep conditioning. Leaves your hair shiny and rehydrated for a week!
Most hair coloring products contain chemicals that can do serious harm to the hair itself if not properly used, but it wont instigate hair loss. Do remember to do an allergy test before you indulge in any new hair chemicals.
Distilled Water For Hair Wash
As tap water leaves mineral deposits on hair, it is better to use distilled water as the final rinse while washing hair. Avoid shampooing daily if you have dull hair. Alternatively, install a high power water filter at your incoming water supply. Volumizing and thickening shampoos are harmful for fine, thin hair. It is safer not to use hair accessories with metal contents. Using wooden or cellulose acetate combs instead of plastic combs is good for hair. Boar bristles hairbrush is also good for hair. Using satin pillowcase can help you prevent damage to your hair from tossing and turning. Use protein treatment once a week if your hair has damage. Most hair salons has excellent range of hair treatments which you can use to your benefits.
Maintaining Clean Scalp
The scalp and hair should be cleansed between shampoos. For this purpose the "dry shampoo" is necessary. It is actually a form of scalp massage. Preparations of orris, corn meal and other dry shampoo powders are not recommended. They stick, and it is hard to get them out of the hair. A vigorous rubbing of the scalp after the hair has been parted, using a small piece of muslin over the tip of the finger, is best. Hot and cold applications are good, with or without shampoo, especially if the hair is falling. Remember that the hair should not be "hot-air" dried, always set your hair blower to cool as hot air will just dry up your hair and make it more brittle than ever!
Get Your Vitamin Bs for Great Hair
Vitamin B is vital to healthy hair growth while Vitamin A gives the hair its shine. Vitamin E helps to make the hair thick and glossy while the mineral Zinc helps the hair grow and strengthens the hair shaft. Silicon is another mineral that forms cross-links with the keratin in the hair and copper helps decide color pigment. Lack of copper leads to gray hair. Unlike skin, hair cannot repair itself, but damaged hair is replaced with new hair. So, remember to get your daily dose of vitamin Bs, your hair will thank you for it. Take care of your body and you will have beatiful hair! Your Body is like an automation machine which runs without stop, so, take great care of your body and your hair will thank you for it!
We urge you to find out more about Proper Hair Care in order to achieve beautiful locks today. Do visit us at for More Hair Care Tips today
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Beware of these BAD & UGLY stuffs in your personal care products
Source: The Green Guide
Here are the ingredients to be most wary of on labels, and why.
Coal-tar colors
So-called coal-tar chemicals are found in many "FD&C" or "D&C" colors used in makeup and hair dye.
Health Problem: Allergens and irritants, possible carcinogens
Safer Alternatives: Annatto, beta carotene, carmine, hematite, henna, iron oxides, titanium dioxide (nontoxic, but can cause lung irritation if inhaled as powder)
A brain- and nervous-system toxin as well as a known carcinogen and hormone disruptor, lead accumulates in the bones. It is found in lead acetate in hair dyes and makeup.
Used widely in fragrances, deodorants, nail polishes, hair products and lotions, the oily texture of phthalates acts like a moisturizer and helps lotions penetrate skin.
Health Problems: Various members of this family of chemical plasticizers have been found to produce cancer of the liver and birth defects in lab animals.
Dibutylphthalate (DBP) is of particular concern because documented exposures are high and its health effects are potentially very serious. In nail polish and mascara, DBP helps thin films stay flexible, reducing brittleness and cracking. Animal studies show that DBP causes birth defects and harm to male reproductive organs. Timing of exposure was critical: Harm was done to animals exposed in the womb or shortly after birth.
A 2002 Environmental Working Group (EWG) report found DBP in 37 nail products from 22 different companies. Their 2002 report, "Not Too Pretty" (produced with Health Care Without Harm and Coming Clean), found phthalates in 52 of 72 different personal-care products.
Other commonly used phthalates include dimethylphthalate (DMP) and diethylphthalate (DEP).
Alternatives: Phthalates often "hide" behind the term "fragrance;" choose products labeled "fragrance-free" or that are scented exclusively with pure botanical or essential oils. Phthalates are also present in, and can evaporate from, soft vinyl (PVC) toys, flooring and other products, which should be avoided. For more information, search for "phthalates" at
Bronopol, often listed as 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol, can contribute to the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines, according to the FDA. It can also break down to produce formaldehyde (see below).
Formaldehyde, found in eye shadows, mascaras and other cosmetics, is "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen," according to the National Toxicology Program's "Ninth Report on Carcinogens" (January 2001)**. The EPA classifies it as a probable human carcinogen.
In its liquid state, formaldehyde, present in the ingredients DMDM hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea imidazolidinyl urea and quaternium-15, can be absorbed through the skin and nails. As a volatile organic compound, or VOC, formaldehyde evaporates when the product is wet; levels drop sharply once it's dry. Consumer concern has led many manufacturers to remove it from their nail polishes.
Health Problems: Breathing formaldehyde fumes has been associated with many types of cancers, including those of the nose and throat. Levels of formaldehyde in air as low as 0.1 ppm (parts per million) can cause burning sensations in the eyes, nose and throat; nausea, coughing and wheezing.
Imidazolidinyl urea can trigger contact dermatitis in sensitive individuals.
Mercury: a tiny amount of this potent nervous-system toxin, which accumulates in the body, is allowed as a preservative in eye-area cosmetics.
The parabens: Methyl-, propyl-, ethyl- and butylparaben are the most common preservatives used in cosmetics.
Health Problems: Common allergens. Some recent research shows that parabens can mimic estrogen in rodents, making them potential hormone disruptors.
Quaternary ammonium compounds can irritate the skin and eyes. Quaternium-15 causes more dermatitis complaints than any other preservative, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Healthier Preservatives: Vitamins A (retinoic acid), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), citric acid, pycnogenol.
Surfactants -- Sudsing/Foaming Agents
Suds-making detergents, known as surfactants, in shampoos also promote absorption of the product by the skin.
Diethanolamine (DEA), widely used in shampoos, is a suspected carcinogen, and its compounds and derivatives include triethanolamine (TEA), which can be contaminated with nitrosamines -- compounds shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. Contamination is more likely if the product also contains Bronopol (see above).
Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) are both irritants, says the Cosmetics Ingredient Review (CIR), a panel of cosmetics-industry experts established to safety-test ingredients ( But the CIR reported that SLS also causes "severe epidermal changes" to mouse skin, a finding that "indicates a need for tumor-enhancing activity assays." This year, after review of over 250 existing SLS studies, the CIR concluded that SLS is not cancer-causing. However, Samuel Epstein, M.D., says he is not convinced and recommends avoiding SLS.
Other Ingredients to Avoid
Aluminum chlorohydrate, a wetness retardant used in antiperspirants, can cause allergic reactions.
Ammonia, used in hair dyes and bleaches, can irritate the eyes and skin and can be toxic when inhaled.
Mineral oil, found in many moisturizers, comes from petroleum, a nonrenewable resource.
Peroxide, used in hair-coloring products, can irritate the skin of hands and scalp and damage hair and eyes.
Phenylenediamine (PPD), found in many hair dyes, is linked with skin irritations, respiratory disorders and cancers, and is banned in Europe.
Polyethylene and polyethylene glycol (PEG ingredients), found in hair straighteners, antiperspirants and baby-care products, are safe in themselves but can be contaminated with 1,4- dioxane, which produced liver cancer in rodents in National Cancer Institute (NCI) studies.
Polysorbate compounds 60 and 80 are emulsifiers, used in lotions and creams, that can also become contaminated with the carcinogen 1,4-dioxane.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), widely used in hair-care products, especially sprays, has been found to stay in the body for months. In rats it contributed to tumor development.
Propylene glycol, a humectant, or moisture-attracting ingredient, found in mascara, lotions, creams and other cosmetics, can irritate skin in sensitive individuals.
Talc, a mineral found in many face and body powders, has a structure similar to that of asbestos, which has been linked to lung and ovarian cancers. Healthier alternative: cornstarch (but, like any powder, can cause breathing problems)
Toluene, a solvent, is found in some nail polishes. It is a nervous-system toxin.
Triclosan, an antibacterial agent found in deodorants and other products, is overused and is linked to antibiotic-resistant disease, says the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics (
Cancer and your hair products
Source: The Green Guide
For those recovering from and at risk for cancer, recognizing the links between your personal care products and personal health can be vital to preventing continued exposure to possible carcinogens like diethanolamine, contained in many shampoos and other products (see below). According to a 2004 study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), 93 percent of shampoos possibly contain harmful impurities linked to cancer or other health problems. Additionally, EWG found that 69 percent of hair-dye products may pose cancer risks.
Regardless of your current health, it’s important to know the ingredients in your personal care items.
Hair Relaxers
Lye relaxers contain sodium hydroxide as an active ingredient. Sodium hydroxide can cause skin irritation, burns and necrosis as well as breathing difficulty when inhaled. Although “no lye” relaxers don’t contain sodium hydroxide and result in less skin irritation than lye products, they too can burn the scalp if used incorrectly.
Additionally, many relaxers contain paraben preservatives. Parabens are allergens and, according to research published in a 2004 issue of the Journal of Applied Toxicology, have been found in breast tumors. An accompanying article suggested that adolescents and close relatives of breast-cancer patients may be at an increased risk due to continued exposure.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also warns consumers to use caution when using relaxers, as chemicals may accidentally enter the eyes.
Ceramic and metal straighteners are a non-chemical option for temporarily straightening hair. Although ceramic straighteners cost more than metal ones, many salons use ceramic straighteners as they have a reputation for working more effectively. As with any heated surface, straighteners can cause contact burns and should be kept out of reach of small children. Remain on the lookout for straighteners claiming to have a “non-stick” coating. According to research by the EWG, some companies have used a Teflon coating on their straighteners. An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) panel recently identified perfluorooctanic acid (PFOA), a chemical used in making Teflon, as a “likely human carcinogen.”
Shampoos and Conditioners
The National Toxicology Program has found that diethanolamine (DEA), widely used in shampoos, can cause cancer in mice, and there is some evidence the related compound triethanolamine (TEA), may do the same. Contamination by nitrites can turn DEA into the compound N-nitrosodiethanolamine, considered possibly carcinogenic in humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Contamination is more likely if the shampoo also contains Bronopol (also known as 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol).
Found in many shampoos, sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) can cause contact dermatitis. Fragrance, another common shampoo and conditioner ingredient, can include possible skin irritants and allergens. The FDA does not require companies to disclose the ingredients listed as “fragrance” and many include phthalates, chemicals that have been found to produce cancer of the liver and birth defects in lab animals.
Hair Dyes
There are two kinds of permanent dyes: oxidation and progressive. Oxidation dyes contain a combination of hydrogen peroxide, which can be an irritant, dye and ammonia, while progressive dyes contain lead acetate as the active ingredient, with up to ten times the lead level allowed in house paint. Watch out for coal tar colors: FD&C Blue 1 and FD&C Green 3 are carcinogenic, and impurities in other colors—D&C Red 33, FD&C Yellow 5 and FD&C Yellow 6—have been shown to cause cancer when applied to the skin.
Henna is a gentle alternative to the harsh chemical dyes commonly used in beauty salons. And while it will not penetrate the hair shaft to truly color it, the pigment will tint your hair.
Styling Products
Unfortunately, styling products contain various combinations of parabens, phthalates, fragrance and coal tar colors, so read ingredient labels carefully.
Better Choices
Luckily, there are a number of eco-friendly and health sensitive hair care products for African Americans. Although they may not be as widely advertised as those for Caucasians, they do exist. And often, some products can work for both ethnic groups.
A little about Yoga
Can yoga change your body?
A couple of years ago you may have associated yoga with peace-loving hippies hugging trees and chanting. Gets most of Hollywood swearing by it, though, and suddenly it’s cool. But is it really all that, and does it make a difference.
Depending on the class type, yoga can be intensely active, and moving from one pose into the next can really get your heart racing. A lot of people avoid yoga because they think it’s not a good work-out and they won’t sweat, but Ashtanga will definitely do both. It gets your heart rate up, and metabolism higher, so you’re working in a fat burning zone
Yoga works your internal system too
Because yoga incorporates a deep breathing style, you’re filling your system with oxygen, helping to rejuvenate body cells. By changing poses and generating body heat, you’re sending a fresh, continuous blood supply (oxygen) to every organ, tissue, muscle and joint in your body. “The combination of strength and breathing lengthens the muscle fibre and tissue. So, rather than having the compact muscles of a body builder, your body takes on a more streamlined appearance.
When can we see the results??
Yoga is commitment, but all it takes to make a difference is 30 minute, three or four times a week. Ki and Iyenger yoga are slower styles – you’ll notice your body becoming learner, but it can take three to six months. Ashtanga or bikram yoga is faster classes with lots of challenging poses, and if you do two or three classes a week, you’ll see results within six to eight weeks.
Yoga VS cardio work-out
Yoga works deeper into the muscle, stretching and strengthening as opposed to building them up on a surface level, therefore the body becomes toned rather than bulky. Through yoga, your body becomes more flexible, plus you have greater strength and noticeable definition. You’re not going to get bulky from yoga, because you’re only supporting your own body weight. Look at people like Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow – they’re all Ashtanga fans and have lean, defined physiques. Compare that to cardio celebs like Mel-C, and you can easily see the difference.
(Bronwyn McCahon - cosmo)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
7 Tips for Better Sleep
Poor sleep hampers your overall health, including how well you fare in your weight-loss endeavors. From premature aging to a compromised immune system, the side-effects of sleepless nights can add up, says Barbara Harris, author of Shape Your Life: 4 Weeks to a Better Body -- and a Better Life!.
Getting a good night's sleep is high on the list of things you can do to boost your health and fitness levels. Sleep is crucial for optimum immunity, Harris says. When you don't get enough shuteye, your workouts may be less effective and you're more likely to store fat.
But that's not all. Your ability to manage stress throughout the day is also compromised. Studies reveal women frequently turn to food to soothe themselves in times of stress. It's also a fact that many women also eat more to raise their energy level.
In this eDiets exclusive, we offer Harris' seven tips for a good night's snooze.
1. Get regular exposure to daylight, especially in the afternoon. Research shows that night-shift workers can improve daytime sleep by working under bright lights.
2. Prior to bedtime, use dimmer switches or turn off a few lamps to lower the lighting in your home or apartment.
3. Don't allow yourself to nod off on the sofa. When you start feeling drowsy, get up and go to bed.
4. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex. Don't make it a satellite office, study hall or entertainment center.
5. When you can't sleep, try using imagery and thoughts to relax. Deep-breathing techniques also work.
6. If you haven't dropped off within about 20 minutes, get out of bed and read or engage in some other quiet activity. Go back to bed when you get sleepy.
7. Put the alarm clock out of sight. Clock watching doesn't help you sleep -- it may even keep you awake!
Best Gym Machines
eDiets Chief Fitness Pro
Q: What are the best machines to use at the gym for strengthening and toning the body? I've changed my routine to decrease the amount of exercises that I perform due to time constraints so I need to make the most efficient use of my time.
In your case, if you're decreasing exercises, then I recommend mostly compound movements. Compound exercises work multiple muscle groups while isolation exercises focus on one muscle group. The compound exercises burn more calories and provide more overload on the muscles. For example, walking lunges are more effective for the butt than the Butt Blaster machine because the lunges burn more calories and also work the hips, quadriceps and hamstrings.
Here are the exercises I recommend:
Dumbbell incline press
Dumbbell chest press
Machine chest press
Dumbbell rows
Barbell rows
Lat pull-down machine
Seated cable or machine row (use various grip handles)
Seated or standing overhead dumbbell press
Standing dumbbell lateral raises
Bent over dumbbell rear raises
Dumbbell curls (with variation in seat setting)
Barbell curls
Machine curls
Lying EZ curl bar extensions
Decline dumbbell extensions (palms face the body)
Machine press down
Standing one arm dumbbell extensions (dumbbell lowered behind the head to upper back with elbow stationary and pointed toward ceiling)
Legs and Butt:
Barbell squats
Dumbbell squats
Plie squats with dumbbell or barbell (much better than the adductor machine)
Leg press with feet high (gets the glutes)
Stationary lunges
Walking lunges
Extension step ups on 12" step, lifting leg high
Semi stiff-legged dumbbell dead lift
Seated calf raise
Standing calf raise
Fitball crunch
Roman chair leg lifts
Bicycle maneuver