Taken from World Noni Research Foundation
For thousands of years Morinda citrifolia, a fruit bearing plant commonly known as Noni, has been used in an effort to battle a wide array of health challenges. In recent years, the health-enhancing properties of this plant have been harnessed and made available for the benefit of people.
This miracle from paradise has been described as one of the most important health discoveries of the twentieth century. Noni has earned this praise through its powerful ability to help with a variety of health conditions and act as a natural immune system booster.
Thousands of people worldwide have attributed improvements in their health to the tremendous, and often life-saving benefits found in Noni. Recent scientific research in both clinical and laboratory settings validate the efficacy of this ancient fruit. In addition, doctors and health care professionals around the world are praising Noni as their patients win battles against chronic conditions many have suffered from for years.
The role immune system in diabetes
Research has shown that if the immune system starts to turn on itself - perhaps the result of an autoimmune disorder - it may cause a complete obliteration of the pancreas’ beta cells or at least a reduction in the number of functioning beta cells. This then affects the amount and purity and effectiveness of the body’s insulin. However, if the immune system is able to ward off an attack, the integrity of the body’s insulin will be maintained.
More refined tests now make it possible to detect faulty immune antibodies in the blood well in advance of a person showing symptoms of diabetes. In some adults, these destructive antibodies may be present years before diabetic symptoms appear. This lag time is known as the “prediabetic stage.”
Noni controls diabetes
One such health challenge that many have found Noni to help with is diabetes. Doctors and researchers suggest that Noni has the ability to help strengthen the immune system which, in turn, can help the body maintain strong insulin levels. As a result, many Type I and II diabetics have finally found relief from this often deadly disease in the form of Noni.
Many of the effects of diabetes can be controlled. While there is no cure for the disease, studies show that by keeping one’s blood sugar as close to normal as possible significantly reduces diabetes’ long-term complications.
The miracle of Xeronine - Xeronine, the alkaloid of Noni in the presence of insulin activate the peripheral cell membrane insulin receptors and helps for the normal intracellular absorption of glucose as well as corrects the intracellular post receptor defect of the action of insulin for carbohydrate metabolism and thus prevents the insulin resistance condition in diabetes cases.
Noni the cell-rejuvenator - Noni is believed to fortify and maintain the cell structure; this can be accomplished by Noni acting as an adaptogen that can aid “sick” cells in repairing themselves. Xeronine and other nutraceuticals present in Noni may convert the abnormal inactive insulin molecule present in type 2 diabetes mellitus to an active form by modifying its cell rigidity and functional level to maintain its normal function of carbohydrate metabolism in our body.
Noni works as a ‘Healthy, Immune System Promoter - One of the Noni’s effects is on the pancreas and immune system. Current studies have revealed that Noni may help promote a healthy immune system or by either enhancing an already functioning system or by stimulating a sluggish one. Noni activating our body immune system may improve the non functioning beta cells of the pancreas to an active form to produce the normal insulin from the beta cells and also maintain a normal insulin level in the blood to the response of the carbohydrate diet.
Low Glycemic Index – A 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates to fiber in Noni juice helps balance blood glucose level. Glycemic index refers to a method of classification by which a number is assigned to foods based on how they affect blood sugar levels. Foods that contain the same amount of total carbohydrate may have a different glycemic index. For example kidney beans increase blood sugar levels more significantly than Soya beans, because of its higher glycemic value. Noni has a very low glycemic index and hence it reduces the risk of chronic conditions of diabetics
Noni might have the role by modifying our body immune system keeps the sensitivity of beta cells of the pancreas intact to produce an adequate amount of insulin in response to elevated blood glucose level by keeping and maintaing the balance of release of the neuro-endocrine signals of the brain.
Noni may help the diabetic complications like care of diabetic gangrene by its powerful healing effects and also helps diabetic poly neuropathy symptoms by providing number essential micronutrients, vitamins, essential minerals and amino acids that it contains.
Noni may also help relieve diabetic complications through its ability to stimulate the body’s production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide and Scopoletin one ingredient in noni helps also reduce the diabetic hypertension. Both may also be important factors in decreasing symptoms such as poor circulation and vision problems.
Hence it’s the GOD’S gift to the human society .