BellaOnline's Public Health Editor

Botanically the fruit is called Morinda Citrifolia. It grows on a shrub type tree and the size of the fruit is about the same size as a medium avocado pear. The skin has warts on it similar to a pomegranate. The shrub shows fruit some 10 months after planting. It reaches maturity in about 18 months and then yields between 4 to 8kg of fruit every month, all year round.
Noni fruit juice is a natural food so it falls in the category of health drinks. It helps in weight loss, decreases stress and increases overall feeling of well being. The healthful benefits of Noni fruit juice are backed by the collective voice of generations; the confirmation of scientific research and the enthusiastic loyalty of consumers all over the globe.
Our inner well being enhances our outer beauty. To maintain our inner health, Tahitian Noni Fruit Juice (Morinda Citrifolia) can be of immense help. It is a remarkable, natural liquid diet supplement. The ancient Tahitians revered and benefited from all the elements of this natural product—its fruit, leaves, and seeds. It was a pillar of the Tahitian culture as it helped them to sustain life and restore lost balance.
So this natural wonder product widely known as Noni fruit juice has undoubtedly blessed generations of people throughout the regions where it has grown and now it is gradually getting global recognition for its extraordinary benefits.